вторник, 26 апреля 2016 г.

Want to make studying more interesting AND effective at the same time?     

Here are some study tips: 

     1.  Repetition

If you want to remember some information, you can't just read it once, you have to repeat it! and that does not mean reading it 10 times; it means that you read it everyday! That way it'll stick with you.

     2.  Applied Learning

If you have trouble remembering something, think about a way that it applies to something in life. 

     3. Stay organized

This is the key to studying! Create a to-do list, have time set out for studying. If studying is stressful, your brain performance may not be the highest.

    4. Don't procrastinate!

Waiting until the last minute to complete your tasks, not the best idea, in fact you shouldn't even study before going to bed, or late at night. Your brain should be alert, so it could receive all the information, don't wear it down!

Here are two links to websites that provide great study tips. 

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