суббота, 21 мая 2016 г.

How To Learn English Very Fast?
How do you learn English very fast?
Is it possible to learn English very very fast?   Is it possible to make massive improvements in only 2-3 months?
The answer is yes.
But of course, to make massive improvements requires massive intensity and effort.
So, how can you do it?  How can you improve super-fast?  What do I recommend for this kind of goal?


The first and most important thing you need to achieve this goal is incredible passion.  You must have tremendous emotional power to learn super-fast.   Why?  Because you must study English 8-14 hours a day…  and every hour you must be alert, interested, and energetic.
To improve that quickly, you must build emotion.  You must be obsessed with English.  You must be passionate and incredibly enthusiastic.  Remember, Emotion is 80% of success, method is only 20%.
To create passion, you need very compelling reasons to learn English.  Just doing well on a test is not a strong enough reason.  Just getting a new job is not a strong enough reason.  You need HUGE reasons for doing this.  Imagine all the incredible benefits you will have as a fluent English speaker.  Imagine how your life will change 5 years from now.  10 years from now.  20 years from now.
If you are motivated by money, imagine how English will make you amazingly rich.  Visualize your dream house, your dream car, your dream life.
If love motivates you, imagine how English will help you meet incredible people from other countries.  Imagine dating beautiful/handsome foreigners!  Imagine incredible love and passion– possible because you are a fluent English speaker.
You can also exaggerate the terrible things that will happen if you fail to speak English fluently.  Imagine all the jobs you will miss.  Imagine all the people you will never meet.  Imagine how bad your life will be because you can’t speak English.
Make your reasons bigger!  Bigger reasons = Bigger Passion.  Bigger Passion = Bigger Success.
Emotions is the key.  Make your emotion stronger!  Become obsessed with English!


The second key to super-fast learning and incredible intensity is to focus on English INPUT.  Do not waste time studying grammar or vocabulary.  Don’t waste time trying to speak.
You should spend all of your time either listening or reading.  This is the fastest and most efficient method for speaking English fluently.
Carry your iPod everywhere.  Always have a book with you.
Specifically, you should listen mostly to the Mini-Story Lessons, the Point of View Lessons, and the Main Audio Articles.  These are the most powerful lessons and will help you learn the fastest.
You should read easy English novels– starting with novels for children.   Absolutely do not waste time reading textbooks!


To be fluent in only 2-3 months, you must create massive intensity.  In other words, you have to listen and read 8-14 hours a day, every day.   You must listen constantly to English.   You must read constantly.
In fact, I recommend alternating the two activities.  Listen for an hour, then read a novel for an hour.  Then listen again for an hour.  Then another hour of novel reading.
If you are really focused on speaking well, do more listening.  But don’t worry, reading will also help your speaking ability.
So that’s it.  That’s my simple method for very fast English fluency.
Of course, most people do not need to improve so quickly.  For most people, two hours a day of listening and reading is enough.
But if you need or want to improve very quickly, follow this plan.
Good luck!

пятница, 20 мая 2016 г.

Hello! Do you remember the videos about creating the prezi? Here is the link to my own prezi on Natural disasters) Enjoy! Click here!!!

Have your pupils already decided which profession to choose? Talk to them about the important aspects related to jobs. 

Before accepting an offer of employment, you should try to determine how much satisfaction you are likely to get from the job. This means examining the different aspects of the job and weighing the importance of each aspect. Of course, the nature of different jobs varies a great deal, but nevertheless, there are some common components of jobs that can apply to all of them.

Salary and Benefits

The main reason most people seek employment is for the monetary compensation. Although this is a very important aspect of all jobs, a job with a lower salary might come with an attractive benefits package that could include perks such as long vacations and a travel allowance in addition to medical and dental coverage. The disadvantage of taking a lower-paying job might be offset by the advantages the job offers in the other aspects that may be more important to you.

Level of Difficulty

People need to work at their optimum level to have the most job satisfaction. If a job is too easy, you will soon become bored and the day will seem to drag on as you find yourself watching the clock. If a job is too far beyond your capabilities, you will become frustrated, your supervisors will be displeased and your job might be in jeopardy. An ideal job is one you can do fairly easily but that presents new challenges and some changes to keep you constantly engaged. Too many changes, however, would be chaotic and lead to increased frustration.
Some jobs have a more supportive atmosphere because of the friendly, easy-going nature of the employees as well as the boss. Most people prefer to work in an environment where they feel comfortable with their colleagues and supervisors. If your workplace is poisoned by co-workers who frequently betray each other, or by supervisors who are impossible to please and who berate their staff, your job will be unpleasant and stress-filled.


Most people derive satisfaction from having some control over their work environment. An enjoyable job allows you to work independently for much of the time without a supervisor micromanaging your every move. The more freedom you are given to make decisions, even about small details, such as determining the time for your lunch break, the greater your feeling of empowerment and job satisfaction.

Physical Environment

Having adequate space to perform your duties is very important. Working in a crowded workplace or one where you have no personal space to securely store your belongings can be stressful. The distance from your home to your job is also important. Long commutes add to job stress, especially if you have a long drive through traffic congestion. The additional cost of transportation to and from work is another factor to consider.

четверг, 19 мая 2016 г.

English teachers have an important job. They teach students how to read and write well, how to understand what they read, how to learn from their peers, and how to have productive and challenging conversations. Being a successful English teacher can be difficult, but there are steps you can take to improve, so that both you and your students get more out of your time in the classroom. How to be a great teacher? Use the tips from this cute and intelligent woman) Watch the videos below!

среда, 18 мая 2016 г.

Don't think that you already know all the words, connected with family relationship. Here are some interesting phrases and words. Enjoy!

Click here
Learn English easily as my friend Julia does ! Watch TV shows in English

Ways to Learn English: Day 65. Useful TV shows: Hi there! How was your day? Hope, everything is OK! Ready to some new tasks? Today we will watch something interesting! I'm sure you al...

вторник, 17 мая 2016 г.

понедельник, 16 мая 2016 г.

While learning, don't forget about grammar. I've found some useful exerсises, appropriate for all age groupsWith language changing as new elements are introduced, is grammar really that important? Academically speaking, there are certain parts of the English language and grammar that wasn’t acceptable years ago. Now, however, these changes are widely used and interpreted as correct.
Grammar is very important, no matter how much the rules change, as it is what makes it possible for us all to communicate and understand what we see, and what we say. Click here and here

суббота, 14 мая 2016 г.

пятница, 13 мая 2016 г.

Hooray! It's finally Friday)). It's time to meet your friends or family and have a rest together. Are you going to eat out? Click here!

Maybe you prefer other types of activities? Then Click here or here) Spend your weekends with pleasure!

Daily Study Tips: Did you know?A human brain, (when awake) produces...


Read some interesting information from my colleague Krystyna!

Daily Study Tips: Did you know?
A human brain, (when awake) produces...
: Did you know? A human brain, (when awake) produces enough energy to power a 40 watt lightbulb for 24 hours! That's science, my dear. ...

среда, 11 мая 2016 г.

вторник, 10 мая 2016 г.

суббота, 7 мая 2016 г.

The previous topics were devoted mainly to the teachers and their problems. Today I want to think a bit about our dear students. Let us confess to ourselves: i'ts not easy to be a student. Some useful tips, for you, guys) 

пятница, 6 мая 2016 г.

The previous topic was about the problem of understanding. There are other important teaching  problems, that are sometimes not easy to cope with. So, these tips are for you.
My groupmate Irene has found an interesting article about Socializing. Enjoy!

Modern English:
Lesson: Socializing
: Lesson:  Socializing http://www.onestopenglish.com/community/lesson-share/pdf-content/speaking/socializing-lesson-plan/552752.article Y...

четверг, 5 мая 2016 г.

Hi! Let's talk about the teacher's common problem: What should you do, when your student simply doesn't get the information, you're trying to explain? Whose fault is this? Yours? Maybe they should be blamed for? Or, perhaps, nobody is to be blamed for it? Read the useful tips here and here

вторник, 3 мая 2016 г.

понедельник, 2 мая 2016 г.

Hi there! Today we will talk about one more important aspect of our life - culture. I've found for you an interesting lesson plan on the topic "Everyone has a culture, everyone is different". The lesson is aimed to develop the sense of tolerance and respect to every nation. Enjoy! 

воскресенье, 1 мая 2016 г.

What is one of the most important aspects of your life? Right, it is your job! Watch the videos below, learn new vocabulary, find out the difference between the job, work and business. Enjoy!
Hello! I've totally forgotten to wish you Happy Easter!!!!!!!! Read some interesting info from Karina Zh)

Improve your English: Good morning! Today we celebrate Easter. It a grea...: Good morning! Today we celebrate Easter. It a great religious holiday. I congratulate everyone who also celebrates it and wish all the best....

суббота, 30 апреля 2016 г.

Food, food, food again)) Yeah, I love food) I adore it) Meat, sweets)) Yummy! How to prepare an interesting lesson plan on this topic? Look here!!!A lot of lesson plans, tips, vocabulary) Or watch the video below)

четверг, 28 апреля 2016 г.

Hello! I' ve just realised, that I didn't publish anything related to the Food topic! How could I? That is so important! Learn the vocabulary with the pictures of some mouth - watering pictures))

среда, 27 апреля 2016 г.

Hi guys, I`m glad to see you again. Student`s life is full of bright moments and wonderful memories. Bu still, from time to time we have some difficulties: we are always lack of time, we do everything in last moment and actually students are such kind of people, who always want to sleep and to eat. So, my today`s post is dedicated to us, to our problems and worries.
1) Really useful rules connected with time management - how not to be in deadlines and be able to study well and have enough free time for hobbys and interests.

вторник, 26 апреля 2016 г.

Want to make studying more interesting AND effective at the same time?     

Here are some study tips: 

     1.  Repetition

If you want to remember some information, you can't just read it once, you have to repeat it! and that does not mean reading it 10 times; it means that you read it everyday! That way it'll stick with you.

     2.  Applied Learning

If you have trouble remembering something, think about a way that it applies to something in life. 

     3. Stay organized

This is the key to studying! Create a to-do list, have time set out for studying. If studying is stressful, your brain performance may not be the highest.

    4. Don't procrastinate!

Waiting until the last minute to complete your tasks, not the best idea, in fact you shouldn't even study before going to bed, or late at night. Your brain should be alert, so it could receive all the information, don't wear it down!

Here are two links to websites that provide great study tips. 

воскресенье, 24 апреля 2016 г.

Every teacher can recount numerous highs in their teaching career. Here is my best teaching experience by far. It taught me a lot, and I hope it can help you in areas of student misbehavior also. 

  • So, this link will show to you how to introduce yourself to audience (students):

суббота, 23 апреля 2016 г.

Lots of comprehension  exercises, podcasts, dialodues and audio books) Different levels and variety of topics))
It will help your students to perceive a foreign language and to improve their pronunciation))Enjoy))

пятница, 22 апреля 2016 г.

Hello guys! I have still a lot of information to share with you. Today I want you to see this video. I hope that it would be interesting for you)

четверг, 21 апреля 2016 г.

Friends, let's go shopping!
I know you want it. Noone can refuse from shopping. It's an essential part of our life. Read these best tips that will help you with the purchases. more information you can find here

среда, 20 апреля 2016 г.

7 Tips for Learning English through Film and Movies

1. Choose an interesting movie. This probably sounds obvious, but if you choose a boring movie, you’ll be bored. And if you’re bored, it will be difficult to pay attention…for more than one and a half hours!
I remember when I was a child, I had to watch hours and hours of really old movies like “Singing in the Rain”, “Mary Poppins” to learn English. If you don’t know these films – you’re welcome to check them up – they’re really old! I didn’t exactly hate them, but I didn’t feel excited at all when watching these films.
And because of that, I highly recommend you choose movies you like. To do this, you can go to a website called Rotten Tomatoes, which is a website with many great critics and reviews on many tens of thousands of movies.
2. Select a movie that matches your current English level. For example, for beginners in English, I usually recommend you learn English through animations.  The main reason is because the English is usually very friendly, nice and easy to understand.
On the other hand, if you try to watch something like “Romeo and Juliet”, you will be very confused. Shakespearian English (which is English used many centuries ago) is very difficult to understand on screen, even for advanced English learners.
3. Bring your dictionary. Maybe I’ll add point 3.5 too – choose a film with subtitles! So when you hear a word you’re interested in, check it up! Because you went through the trouble to understand it…you’ll be able to remember that word for a long time too!
4. Repeat short phrases! Some times, you might hear something cool in the movie. For example, some short phrases, or slang like, “hell yeah!”, or “sure thing”, or “you betcha!” that are commonly used in English. If you like how it sounds, it really helps to repeat it! After saying it out loud a while, you will be able to remember it for a longer time! It’s a great and enjoyable exercise – one of my personal favourites.
5. Without subtitles. I know it can be really challenging to watch a film in a foreign language without subtitles. So here’s my recommendation. When you watch a film the first time, just turn on subtitles. But if you get the chance to watch it a second time, try turning off subtitles.
This way, you already know the story from the first time you watched it. And this time, you can try listening to some individual words that you might have checked up last time. Or you might try to see how much you can understand the film without subtitles.
6. VLC player. This is actually a video player I recommend for watching films on your computer. This is one of my favourite tools. Most people use it just to watch movies, but I use it a little differently.  (And if you don’t have it, you can download VLC player, it’s free.)
Here’s what I do – if you download a movie online, and you play it, you know how you don’t understand English sometimes? VLC Player allows you to play back movies at half speed or quarter speed. So if there are parts you don’t understand, you can play these back at a slower speed and try again! It’s very helpful to practice your listening.
7. It’s okay to miss words…just let it go. Last of all, remember what we said in the start? Watching movies should be fun…so if you miss a word, a phrase, or even many sentences, that’s okay! Just follow along the subtitles and learn that way. Don’t make yourself feel bad…watching films is supposed to be fun!
Do you watch a lot of YouTube videos? Use these easy tips to turn every minute of video into a chance to learn English! Do you think native English speakers talk too quickly? Learn to slow them down! Not sure what someone is saying? See the written word, look it up, and learn how it is spelled. Struggling to read my handwriting? Make it BIGGER! I'll show you some of the features on YouTube that can help you make ANYTHING you're watching into a learning experience. 

вторник, 19 апреля 2016 г.

 Hi there! 

  Today our topic is dedicated to people and social life.
Social life may refer to interpersonal relationships. An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring.
I've found a lot of different videos and exercises to help you to study English better.
  Below you can watch the interesting video about what is family like in different countries. Hope, you' ll enjoy this one.

понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г.

How are you, guys?)
I hope well)
i'm sure all teachers remember their first year of work
this dreadful time
how can we make it easier?
this article knows! so u should click HERE and read it)


воскресенье, 17 апреля 2016 г.

Hello, teachers and learners! Are going to visit the US? Maybe the UK? Keep in mind that there are many different words in these two English-speaking countries. Use the thing below)

суббота, 16 апреля 2016 г.

How to draw attention of your tiny students? Of course, colourful pictures! Here is the vocabulary on the topic Health! 

A lot of English learners will listen to music and assume that is enough to be able to more easily pick up on language. The problem though, is that music, often times, uses melodies or even visual elements, if watching a music video, to take away our focus. 

пятница, 15 апреля 2016 г.

среда, 13 апреля 2016 г.

воскресенье, 10 апреля 2016 г.

Good Morning, Everyone!
 How are you? I've prepared some grammar exercises for you). Of course, language is not just about learning interesting vocabulary! You should't forget about grammar!) Look here and here!

суббота, 9 апреля 2016 г.

  I'm really interested in teaching English to older learners. Are the teenagers or kids better and quicker learners, than elderly people? We may never know. It depends on person, I think, but it's nice, when older people are not afraid of learning smth new. I've found an interesting presentation, devoted to this topic here, and some useful tips here. It's never late to study! As Michelangelo said: " I'm still learning". 

пятница, 8 апреля 2016 г.

Today I've found a few articles, which are dedicated not to English teaching but to teaching in general. Every teacher may have some tough students. Read here how to cope with them. You can use these tips, too.

четверг, 7 апреля 2016 г.

Hello! I thought it would be interesting for you to watch this video. It's really helpful for those, who travel by plane. You can find there all the necessary information.

среда, 6 апреля 2016 г.

Hi there! Are you still not sure about using ICT in English classroom? Really? Ask your students if they want something interesting. I'm sure, they do. Change your methods, improve yourself, don't be lazy!) Read some useful info here. Enjoy!  

вторник, 5 апреля 2016 г.

понедельник, 4 апреля 2016 г.

Learning vocabulary with pictures and music! Our topic today is sport! The video is cool. Enjoy)

воскресенье, 3 апреля 2016 г.

Hi there! Do you like shopping? I'm sure you do. So, as it's an essential part of our life, provide your students with as much information as possible! Use this links if you want)----->1    2. Talk about money too. What would shopping look like without money? I can't even imagine) 

суббота, 2 апреля 2016 г.

Do you like teaching kids? It can be really hard to hold their attention. Everyone knows, that games can easily keep them interested. Don't know where to find a lot of funny games? Click here or here. I'm sure, your little students will like it! They will be able to learn a lot of new words, related to such topics as FOOD, HOME or FAMILY. Using ICT is really easy and effective way to make them memorize new vocabulary.

пятница, 1 апреля 2016 г.

четверг, 31 марта 2016 г.

ICT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING is an efficient way of teaching english nawadays. Wanna know how to use Ict at your own lessons? Read here or watch the video) Make your classes more interesting!!!

среда, 30 марта 2016 г.

I regard "Health" as one of the most important topics. I've found some information and games for both kids and teens. I think they should be able to name all their problems with health in English( if they have any), they should know how to talk with the doctors in English, how to behave in the hospital, where to go etc. Click here and here or watch the video below. 

вторник, 29 марта 2016 г.

Today I prepared some useful tips for those, who teach little kids. Are you busy and don't know how to plan a lesson about home and staff? You can use these links ----->   1    2 Hope, It'll help! Good luck!

понедельник, 28 марта 2016 г.

Hi, everyone! I'd like to provide you with some useful info about social life, that you can find here. It will be interesting for the students especially. And you can also watch this video and learn new actual vocabulary. Enjoy!